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Nebraska Scholarships

Nebraska Scholarships for High School and College Students

Smith Diversity Scholarship
LFS awards renewable scholarships for students attending 4-year university or trade school up to $15,000 per year. Due to the flexibility of these funds – intended to help students beyond the traditional tuition, books, and housing – this is one of the most unique scholarships available in the country.The mission of the Smith Diversity Scholarship is to provide a post-secondary education to Nebraska’s graduating seniors from underrepresented backgrounds with financial barriers, who display academic aptitude, leadership, determination toward goals, and a spirit for making an impact.Please note:Applications are open December 1, 2024 – February 28, 2025.No minimum GPA, SAT or...
Feb 28, 2025
Douglas County Farm Bureau Scholarships
Douglas County: Two awards for $4,000 each pursuing a college degree and two awards for $2,000 each pursuing a trade school diploma.  All scholarships will be awarded to graduating high school seniors pursuing a degree or diploma to support the agriculture community.  Applicant must belong to a family that has been a Douglas County Farm Bureau member for three years. Contact Sally Habrock at (402) 720-2652 or dcfbpkr@gmail.com. Applications are due March 1.PURPOSETo encourage and promote graduating high school seniors whose parents are members of Douglas County Farm Bureau to study and pursue agricultural and higher education opportunities.APPLICATION ELIGIBILITYApplicant must...
Mar 01, 2025
Poverty Is Not a Choice Scholarship
The PINC Scholarship is awarded in recognition that Poverty Is Not a Choice. It is named after a documentary of the same name which received the Mayor’s Choice Award at the Lincoln Mayor’s Arts Awards in June 2016. This documentary, made by 9 high school and college students and aired on NET TV, related several stories about children’s day-to-day realities with living in poverty. It is the donor’s hope that this award will be received by someone who has been directly affected by poverty who could not otherwise attend college but who would benefit from specialized study in their chosen...
Mar 15, 2025
Nebraska Rod and Custom Association Scholarship
For over 20 years NRCA has worked to find ways to raise money to fund scholarships for students attending one of Nebraska's 5 tech schools majoring in automotive technology, auto body or any other automotive-related curriculum.  A portion of each members dues is ear marked for this rewarding effort of the association.  We also use the proceeds from the sale of merchandise, work we do for others, and direct donations.  Nothing we do gives us a better feeling than helping students who will use our funds to be successful in an automotive career.We have a veteran committee of 4 board...
Mar 01, 2025
Margaret & Max Pumphrey Scholarship
Beginning in 2024, this fund will serve as a partner fund to the Lincoln Community Foundation Student Success Scholarship Fund in which award amounts from many scholarship funds are pooled to create meaningful, renewable awards for Lancaster County students. To apply for the Lincoln Community Foundation Student Success Scholarship (LCFSSS), applicants should submit their general application, then click the “Apply” button beside the Lincoln Community Foundation Student Success Scholarship to answer a few additional questions. Recipients must be current graduating high school seniors or former graduates of public or private high schools in Lancaster County, NE or GED graduates residing...
Mar 15, 2025
FLAGship Program
The NeCGA Future Leaders in Ag Scholarship Program (FLAGship Program) is open to Nebraska high school seniors or college freshmen who are continuing their education in state and pursuing a degree in an ag-related field or non ag-related field. The FLAGship Program is a scholarship program for future ag leaders in Nebraska. The Nebraska Corn Growers Association (NeCGA) will award up to five $2,000 scholarships to high school seniors or college freshmen in the state of Nebraska.To be eligible for this scholarship students must be a member of NeCGA or the son/daughter of an NeCGA member. The application for the...
Feb 15, 2025
Nebraska Midwest Dairy Scholarships
EligibilityApplicant must be considered or accepted as a full-time student undergraduate and graduate at an accredited college.Applicant must contribute to Midwest Dairy checkoff as of January 1 of the current calendar year by one of the following:Applicant, or applicant’s parents/guardians/grandparents/sibling, must own a dairy farm located in the state of Nebraska.Applicant must be employed on a dairy farm located in the state of Nebraska and be recommended by the producer employer.Former recipients of the scholarship may re-apply in subsequent years, providing they remain eligible.CriteriaApplicants will be evaluated on contributions to and involvement in the dairy industry, leadership, career plans, and...
Mar 01, 2025
Omaha Scholarships
JEWISH FEDERATION OF OMAHA MISSIONTo build and sustain a strong and vibrant Omaha Jewish community and to support Jews in Israel and around the world.For generations our close-knit Jewish community has worked hard to carry out this mission. We stand on the shoulders of giants. Many who came before endowed financial assistance, scholarships, trips to Israel and much more. Their legacy offers a helping hand to Jewish Omaha and itsyouth.JEWISH EDUCATIONThe Jewish Federation of Omaha administers Jewish Omaha’s scholarship and financial assistance funds. Needs-based scholarships are available for:Pennie Z. Davis Early Learning CenterFriedel Jewish AcademyApplication: 2025 Jewish Federation of Omaha...
Mar 01, 2025
Antonette Willa Skupa Turner Scholarship
The purpose of the Antonette Willa Skupa Turner Scholarship is to provide financial assistance to graduates of Nebraska high schools who plan to enroll as English or history majors in accredited colleges or universities. Applicants must be high school seniors who are prospective first-year college students and plan to continue their education as English or history majors in accredited colleges or universities. Selection is based on intellectual promise, creativity and character of the applicant.The Antonette Willa Skupa Turner Scholarship is named after the granddaughter of John and Annie Sadilek Pavelka, prototypes for both Anton and Ántonia Shimerda in Cather's novel...
Feb 28, 2025
Nebraska Elks Association Golf Scholarship
Eligibility:A high school senior that resides within the jurisdictional boundaries of a Nebraska Lodge as indicated by the Grand Lodge.ADDITIONAL REQUIRED INFORMATIONSubmit one letter of recommendation from any of the following: Principal, clergy, teacher, local businessperson, or employer. Letters should describe your leadership and service to your community, school and/or service organizations as well as your ability to benefit from attending college with a scholarship. Up to three letters of recommendation will be accepted.Letter from your high school golf coach, college golf coach, personal golf coach, or equivalent verifying your intent to play golf in college and attesting to your...
Feb 15, 2025
Nebraska Paralegal Student Scholarships
Applicant Eligibility RequirementsThe following criteria must be met in order to apply for award:Applicant must be admitted to an accredited paralegal program at a University, College, Community College, or Business College located in Nebraska.Applicant must have completed one academic term, and be currently enrolled as a paralegal student.Application ProcedureEach applicant must complete each of the following procedures to apply for an award:Each applicant shall submit a resume with current contact information including mailing address;Each applicant shall submit an official transcript of grades earned in the program to date;Each applicant shall provide one letter of recommendation from a program director, instructor,...
Mar 01, 2025
Pre-Veterinary Scholarships
The NVMA Centennial Scholarship Foundation, Inc. invites you to make application for its Pre-Veterinary Scholarships.Your application, completed forms, and all requested documents must be returned by online submission (the online form is at the bottom of this page).ANY APPLICANT FOR THE PRE-VETERINARY SCHOLARSHIPS MUST MEET THE FOLLOWING QUALIFICATIONS:Students having completed 3 semesters of pre-veterinary education and pursuing completion of the pre-professional program.Graduate of a Nebraska High School or State of Nebraska approved Home School Program.The applying student must have at least a 3.0 GPA.Method of SelectionCompleted online application form.Three recommendation forms from:A non-related faculty member or academic advisor;A veterinarian for...
Mar 15, 2025
Creighton University
Omaha, NE
Students: 4,445
Tuition: $43,018
Creighton University is a private nonprofit institution located in Omaha, NE. The school has approximatley 4445 undergraduate students. The school offers students degree opportunities. The average family income of students that are attending this school is $118,448. The average age of students entering Creighton University is 21. The most popular programs at the Creighton University are: Health Professions And Related Programs (32%), Business, Management, Marketing, And Related Support Services (23%), Biological And Biomedical Sciences (17%), Psychology (6%) and Social Sciences (6%).
Exam Scores
ACT: 28
SAT: 1283
Nebraska Wesleyan University
Lincoln, NE
Students: 1,767
Tuition: $36,854
Nebraska Wesleyan University is a private nonprofit institution located in Lincoln, NE. The school has approximatley 1767 undergraduate students. The school offers students degree opportunities. The average family income of students that are attending this school is $80,936. The average age of students entering Nebraska Wesleyan University is 22. The most popular programs at the Nebraska Wesleyan University are: Business, Management, Marketing, And Related Support Services (18%), Health Professions And Related Programs (14%), Parks, Recreation, Leisure, And Fitness Studies (11%), Biological And Biomedical Sciences (10%) and Visual And Performing Arts (8%).
Exam Scores
ACT: 26
SAT: 1222
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Lincoln, NE
Students: 20,128
Tuition: $26,820
University of Nebraska-Lincoln is a public institution located in Lincoln, NE. The school has approximatley 20128 undergraduate students. The school offers students degree opportunities. The average family income of students that are attending this school is $85,258. The average age of students entering University of Nebraska-Lincoln is 20. The most popular programs at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln are: Business, Management, Marketing, And Related Support Services (23%), Engineering (12%), Agriculture, Agriculture Operations, And Related Sciences (10%), Family And Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences (8%) and Communication, Journalism, And Related Programs (7%).
Exam Scores
ACT: 25
SAT: 1220
Nebraska Methodist College of Nursing & Allied Health
Omaha, NE
Students: 814
Tuition: $16,708
Nebraska Methodist College of Nursing & Allied Health is a private nonprofit institution located in Omaha, NE. The school has approximatley 814 undergraduate students. The school offers students degree opportunities. The average family income of students that are attending this school is $65,963. The average age of students entering Nebraska Methodist College of Nursing & Allied Health is 27. The most popular programs at the Nebraska Methodist College of Nursing & Allied Health are: Health Professions And Related Programs (100%), .
Exam Scores
ACT: 23
SAT: 1155
Concordia University-Nebraska
Seward, NE
Students: 1,203
Tuition: $34,900
Concordia University-Nebraska is a private nonprofit institution located in Seward, NE. The school has approximatley 1203 undergraduate students. The school offers students degree opportunities. The average family income of students that are attending this school is $83,413. The average age of students entering Concordia University-Nebraska is 20. The most popular programs at the Concordia University-Nebraska are: Education (27%), Business, Management, Marketing, And Related Support Services (13%), Biological And Biomedical Sciences (12%), Psychology (8%) and Visual And Performing Arts (7%).
Exam Scores
ACT: 23
SAT: 1138
University of Nebraska at Kearney
Kearney, NE
Students: 4,302
Tuition: $14,164
University of Nebraska at Kearney is a public institution located in Kearney, NE. The school has approximatley 4302 undergraduate students. The school offers students degree opportunities. The average family income of students that are attending this school is $64,868. The average age of students entering University of Nebraska at Kearney is 22. The most popular programs at the University of Nebraska at Kearney are: Business, Management, Marketing, And Related Support Services (19%), Education (16%), Parks, Recreation, Leisure, And Fitness Studies (10%), Health Professions And Related Programs (6%) and Family And Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences (6%).
Exam Scores
ACT: 23
SAT: 1130
Doane University
Crete, NE
Students: 1,250
Tuition: $36,800
Doane University is a private nonprofit institution located in Crete, NE. The school has approximatley 1250 undergraduate students. The school offers students degree opportunities. The average family income of students that are attending this school is $69,238. The average age of students entering Doane University is 24. The most popular programs at the Doane University are: Business, Management, Marketing, And Related Support Services (25%), Education (10%), Health Professions And Related Programs (10%), Visual And Performing Arts (9%) and Biological And Biomedical Sciences (8%).
Exam Scores
ACT: 23
SAT: 1125